
I had an accident!

Daddy took me up the park again tonight. There was just us as Daddy took me to the quiet part. It seems I had been a ‘right little bleeder’ all day and Mummy needed time to crack on with her nervous breakdown.
Anyway, we were having a great old time me and Daddy. 

The sun was out  and sinking low in the sky. I was ‘frollocking’ in the long grass when someone jumped out of the long grass. I nearly shit! Daddy did too…

It was Mikey! He’d come home from work and surprised us both by coming to the park to meet us. Once I’d got over the initial shock of some big bloke jumping out of the grass, I was sooooooooo happy to see him. I jumped around like ‘a right nutter’ and kept trying to kiss him.

He joined in with our games and started to run away from me so I chased after him. Now, Mikey is 6’4 and a bit un-coordinated shall we say. I’m off me nut with excitement and so there was a perfect storm brewing here. 
As I ran after him I suddenly ran into him and I felt a terrible pain in my right paw. F*#k!! I shouted out so loudly. Mikey fell over and I kept shouting but it was more of a ‘come quick, come quick. Something’s happened and it f*#king hurts’ kind of a yipping noise. 

Daddy came running and Mikey got up quicker than he fell. They both rushed to me and I jumped around them, yipping and licking them both. I was hurt and scared. 

We’re not sure exactly what happened but I think Mikey must have stepped on my paw with his feet ‘like bleedin’ shipping containers’ (as Daddy called them). Mikey said he never but you don’t end up limping with a dodgy foot for nothing in my book.

Never mind. It was just an accident. Mikey picked me up and carried me back to the car. I wasn’t in the mood for playing ‘Shut the F*#k up’ tonight.

When we got in Mummy made a huge fuss of me and everyone gave me loads of love and attention All night long. It’s not too bad this limping lark….

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