
The Conservatoire

Later on in the night time I met Mikey for the very first time and I loved him straight away. Very, very much. Even now, I sit outside his room when he’s not there and sometimes bring him a toy to play with me even though he’s not there.

We all spent a really good evening together and I was getting very sleepy. Mummy and Daddy took me into a big room called ‘the conservatory’ and put me into a nice basket in a cage to sleep in. Daddy said the conservatory must be the most expensive dog kennel in the world. They turned the light off, said night-night and walked off leaving me all on my own. 

Here's me next to my 'cage'.

When I figured out what was going on, I shouted at them to come back. They didn’t so I kept shouting and shouting and shouting. I was frightened and lonely you see. So, I did a poo and a wee (it soon smelt like my old place minus the cabbage) and I kept on shouting. Eventually Daddy came to see me. He didn’t look as happy as earlier on and his eyes looked very red. He cleaned everything up, patted me and kissed me on the head and went again. I shouted again!

Eventually Daddy came to get me and put me on the sofa (I like it there now) and we went off to sleep together.... for about an hour and then I woke up thirsty-shouting had made my throat sore. Daddy wasn’t too pleased again.

Over the next couple of days we all got to know each other much better and in the night-time went through the same thing. I didn’t like the conservatory at night and kept shouting. Daddy and Mummy started to get angry with each other and said things like ‘what the hell have we done?’ I knew they loved me but what they didn’t know was that I was feeling very sick.... 

Hello everybody

Hello everybody! Welcome to my blog. My name is Millie and I’m a 6 month old Cockapoo (yes, it is a terrible name for a breed I know). Here's a picture of me...

There's a Fairy door behind me..(they don't exist but mummy's lost the plot)

I live at home with my Mummy, Daddy and big brother Mikey. These are my humans and I love them all very much – mostly Mikey even though he rarely sees me. They love me to death! I have another big brother but he lives a long way away.

Here’s a picture of me and my best friend ‘Jellycat’ when I was a little girl. Mummy and Daddy bought her home to keep me company at night and she has always been with me since I was very little. She is a very special friend and I love her lots.

I suppose you’re wondering why or how I came to be writing a blog. Well, every night since they picked me up from the ‘wicked bitch’ (Daddy’s words, not mine. He has a lot of words my daddy) that used to own me, Daddy sits in front of the telly with something called a ‘laptop’. This is a computer that mummy says is cooking his ‘bits’ and will probably kill him one day. Daddy just laughs and says ‘Fank Gawd. I’ve been married to you for 35 years luv, I could do with the bloody rest!’ We live in somewhere called south-east London.

I don’t really know or understand such things as computers or blogs but daddy has one for all of the pictures he take and said that it would be good if we kept a blog about me; a dog blog – a dlog?

I thought it would be a good idea to tell you all about my adventures, the highs and the lows and the ‘journey’ I will be taking – Daddy hates the word ‘journey’ – he says ‘everyone’s on a bloody journey all the time these days. Nobody went on a journey in my day. People only started going on journeys when the X-Factor came along. Before that we just had shit lives and got on with it.’

So, knowing that I lack opposable thumbs and can’t spell (I’m only 6 months old don’t forget) Daddy said he would write it up for me.

I’ll tell you a bit about me. I didn’t get off to a good start in life. As I said, I’m 6 months old and was born very near something called Christmas. Mummy and Daddy spent ages looking for me and when they found me, I was just 8 weeks old and living in a dirty old cage with my Dog Mummy and little brother. The lady who had me didn’t care much about us and only wanted to get something called ‘monies’.

When Mummy and Daddy came to see me I was a nicely behaved little puppy and silly Daddy picked me up. I kissed him lots and I felt his heart go ‘ping!’ Mummy’s had already gone.  They left some monies with the lady and walked out saying they would be back in a couple of days.

They came back 10 minutes later and bought me! Daddy said to Mummy that ‘there’s no way I’m leaving my puppy with that ‘fat ‘orrible cow!’ and they took me on my very first car ride to a place called ‘home’. I think they were sad that my Dog brother couldn’t come too but very, very happy to have me. Mummy cried.

On the way to ‘home’ Mummy and Daddy stopped off at a shop and bought me a nice new bed, food and some lovely new toys. When I got to ‘home’ everything was so…different from what I was used to and I was very nervous. It was very quiet and smelled nice. Not pooh and wee and cabbage like at the fat ‘orrible cow’s house.

Come back tomorrow and I'll tell you more....